Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Re-review: Corazonas Chips

Last month I reviewed Corazonas Potato Chips. Corazonas was nice enough to send me some additional chips to taste test again. A couple days ago this beautiful package arrived at my office. Yesterday after our run, Eliza help me taste them again.

We tasted three kinds of potato chips: Slightly Salted, Pacific Rim Barbecue, and Italiano 4 Cheese. The first thing I must address is the reason my first review was unfavorable, the oily coating of the mouth after eating the chips last time. This time there was no oily coating of the mouth and thus I enjoyed the chips much more!

The Slighty Salty are a good basic chip and a great choice against other chips because of the less fat. Eliza and I both found the Pacific Rim Barbecue flavor to be a little too strong. I kept feeling like it tasted similar to something I had recently eaten, but I couldn't quite put my finger on it. The Italiano 4 Cheese was very interesting because it has blue cheese in it. I didn't love it, but Eliza did because it tasted like real cheese. She ended up taking the bag home with her.

We also tasted three kinds of tortilla chips: Margarita Lime, Original and Baja Bean Dip. One cool feature is that these chips are made with whole oats that you can actually see in the chips. We both heartily enjoyed the original flavor, they reminded us a lot of Wheat Thins and have a little more of a cracker flavor. With the oats the chips are a little more moist that traditional tortilla chips. The Margarita Lime were quite solid, tasting very similar to other Lime and Chili chips we've tried. My favorite was the Baja Bean, Eliza wasn't as big of a fan of it, but I thought they had a great zesty taste.

The bottom line is that I would buy the tortilla chips again, so thanks to Corazonas for having me try them again!

1 comment:

Joe B said...

I'm so glad the chips were good this time around! Thanks for giving us another chance. :)