Friday, October 2, 2009

Would You Rather...

One of my favorite books growing up was Would You Rather... by John Burningham. The book is filled with ridiculous dilemmas like, "Would you rather... get crushed by a snake, swallowed by a fish, eaten by a crocodile, and sat on by a rhinoceros?" or "Would you rather... your dad did a dance at school or your mom made a fuss in a cafe?" I found the absurdity of the book hilarious (and still do).

If given a "would you rather" situation today I would be least likely to accept a karaoke challenge. I would much rather be swallowed by a fish. I wish I could sing; I love the idea of being able to hold a tune or have rhythm, but I simply have none. Last night, however, I was listening to an old music mix and I found a song that I think I could do in karaoke. It helps that I listened to this song endlessly in middle school. So without further ado, The Lemonheads. Make sure to note the awesome dancing in this video too.

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