Tuesday, April 14, 2009


I have thinking a lot about risk lately and what makes me afraid to take it. I have spent the past few years struggling to figure out what I want to do with my life, but when push comes to shove I find myself inextricably stuck. I think about where I would like to be and try to visualize my future, but I find myself unable to make the leap. I am full of excuses and I seem to hold myself back. I thought making a list of some the excuses I make might be helpful.

Excuses for not making potentially life changing risks:
  • Fear of failure
  • Not being financially secure
  • Dreams not being the reality
  • Having to start climbing the ladder again
  • Being afraid to be away from family and friends
  • The unstable economy (I feel I should be grateful for the job I have, but I still fell stuck)
  • Fear of the unfamiliar
  • Not wanting to do things alone
  • Fear of embarrassment

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