Thursday, July 24, 2008

This is what I overheard last night

Last night, I was running between a couple social engagements and I was starving. I ended up swinging by Taco Time to grab a burrito. While I was sitting in the restaurant eating my delicious burrito, an older couple sat in the next booth. For the first three or four minutes the couple just sat at the table without saying anything as they waited for their food. Finally, the woman said to the man, "You're so quiet, what are you thinking about?" The man paused and sounded very thoughtful as he said, "Oh, I was just thinking about what is on TV tonight."

Friday, July 18, 2008

This is what all invitations should look like

This week I discovered the letterpress invitations at Bella Figura and I find myself wanting to plan a formal event that requires theses gems! The website holds infinite possibilities of fonts and designs. I found myself wondering, "Would these be over the top for a happy hour?" Okay, maybe a little, but one can't help but dream.